Michigan Upper Peninsula
Overland Adventure

Overlanding the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in a two part series that covers our travels and backcountry camping experience.

If you plan to overland the Upper Peninsula of Michigan you will want to watch this first! I discuss some things to look out for and prepare for as I recap some of the important things we learned from our travels and learned the hard way.
GPX Files of our Michigan UP Overland Adventure that were plotted during our travels. Click the "GPX Files" image to be directed to Dropbox where the GPX files can be downloaded and uploaded to view on Google Earth, Phone GPS apps, or any GPS that accepts GPX files.
NOTICE: These GPX files and videos were created and published only for entertainment purposes and as a method for documenting our travels. They are not intended to be used as a guide for others' travels nor are they a recommendation for a path to travel or places to camp; therefor, Narrow Road Adventures will in no way be held liable. Some routes have dead ends or may not be passable. Do not assume that the places we camped are places permitted to be camped at. Again, this is not a guide nor a recommendation for travels. One must perform their own due diligence and know that where they camp is legal and proper.